A concussion is an injury that is frequently downplayed by insurance companies despite the fact that it is classified as a mild traumatic brain injury that can have long lasting and life-altering effects on people and their loved ones. Getting appropriate diagnosis and medical treatment for these types of injuries early on is critical. An experienced personal injury attorney will know when it is appropriate to obtain a cost projection to evaluate anticipated future medical expenses and future loss of income associated with a brain injury. Victoria has successfully obtained policy limits (meaning the maximum amount of insurance coverage available to collect) for clients who sustained a mild traumatic brain injury. If you or a loved one has been in an accident or collision and subsequently have been diagnosed with a concussion or other brain injury or if you believe that you may be exhibiting symptoms associated with these types of injuries, contact Victoria today.
Some common symptoms include: change in mood or temperament, difficulty sleeping, dizziness, memory loss, headaches. If an injured person has been experiencing symptoms for six weeks or more since the injury, he or she may be suffering from post-concussion syndrome. When the injured person obtains legal representation, an insurance carrier is more likely to consider and value these types of cases based on anticipated long-term impact that can be demonstrated beyond mere speculation.