A car accident never occurs at a convenient time. It is common to experience frustration when dealing with insurance companies because they are experienced in giving people the runaround. Insurance carriers will try to point blame to get off the hook and will delay and try to spend as little money as possible to resolve your outstanding medical bills, lost wages, property damage repair invoices, and rental car expenses. Common tactics used by insurance companies to deny claims or to only provide partial payment include: telling you that your medical bills are too high; telling you that you are only entitled to be reimbursed at the Medicare or Medicaid rate of payment for medical services; telling you that you had excessive medical treatment; telling you that the doctor has to give you a medical note in order for you to be reimbursed for time off of work; telling you that your injuries are only “soft tissue injuries” and that your injuries are not severe or are not permanent. With an experienced lawyer fighting for you, you’re more likely to achieve the best possible outcome and receive fair reimbursement and compensation for your injuries and damages.
It is important to hire an attorney as soon as possible and preferably, before speaking with any insurance adjusters. The objective of insurance adjusters is to save the insurance company money. They are not interested in treating you fairly or resolving your claim for a fair value. It is routine practice for insurance adjusters to offer you some money within a day or two of an accident in exchange for your signature and your spouse’s signature on a release. Once you’ve signed a release or settled your claim with an insurance company, you may be forgoing your rights to have future medical expenses or other property damage claims paid by that insurance company or the at-fault driver. Your spouse may be waiving a loss of consortium claim by co-signing the release – which is a claim for loss of spousal services and affection. It is important to understand your rights and to understand the value of your claim or case from the perspective of an experienced personal injury attorney who is going to advocate on your behalf and not on behalf of any insurance carrier. You are not required to provide answers about your injuries and damages or to consent to a recorded statement with an insurance adjuster without your attorney present.
Victoria never charges a fee for a consultation to discuss a car wreck case. She works on a contingent fee basis – meaning her law firm doesn’t take a fee unless and until she recovers for the client. Call the office today to speak with Victoria about your car accident.